Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Step to the Goal

I did another 5K run last Thursday and a 15K run today. That updates my status as follows:

11 days
25 km

17 days
50 km (2x15K, 1x10K, 2x5K)

I guess the best plan for completing this should now be:
5K run on Wednesday 4/25
10K run on Saturday 4/28
10K run on Tuesday 5/1

Response to Omkar's questions from the last post:
1. You run with an 8-pack of Gatorade by running 8 times, each time with one bottle
2. Nike Air are good for running, since they are light. If you're seriously into running, though, you should consider getting something from the Nike+ collection (I've got Nike+ Air). Dunno about other brands - I'm a Nike fan now :)

Wish me luck for the last 25K!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck for today's run!